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Several causes of slip and fall accidents are discussed below: wet and uneven surfaces, weather conditions, improper training, and nursing home negligence. You should take the appropriate precautions to prevent slip and fall accidents. These include wearing appropriate footwear, monitoring your surroundings, and reporting dangerous areas. Here are the five most common causes of slip and fall accidents.

Wet and Uneven Surfaces

While you may not be aware of it, wet and uneven surfaces are the number one cause of slip and fall accidents in the workplace. Leaving spills on the floor and not mopping it immediately increases the risk of slipping and falling. Keeping aisles clear of obstructions is essential to avoid falls and injuries. Also, ensure that your employees are wearing proper footwear to prevent slips.

Unsalted ice surfaces, loose floorboards, and waxed floors are common causes of slip and fall accidents. Additionally, poor lighting and clutter on walkways can also increase the risk of slip and fall accidents. And, of course, the presence of any hazardous items will only add to the risks.

When assessing the risk of a slip and fall accident, keep in mind that wet and uneven surfaces can make any surface slippery. These surfaces offer little traction and can lead to serious injury. To minimize the risk of a fall, you should thoroughly inspect walkways and parking lots for damage. Repair any areas that are damaged. If you can’t fix the hazard, you can block it off with caution tape or cones.

The CDC has a fact sheet on the topic, highlighting the importance of proper training for employees in high-risk industries. Ensure that workers are provided with safety equipment, as a lack of proper tools could cause serious injury. And as we all know, wet and uneven surfaces are the most common cause of slip and fall accidents.

Weather Conditions

Slip and fall accidents occur due to unsafe weather conditions, such as icy sidewalks. Property owners are responsible for keeping their walkways and sidewalks clear of ice and snow. They should shovel sidewalks and salt them to prevent slipping and falling. If they don’t, they could be held liable for any injuries. Proper maintenance of sidewalks, steps, and streets can also prevent accidents.

Unclean spills and freshly mopped floors are common causes of slip and fall accidents. While the cause of wet floors is often a product of improper maintenance, wet floors are also caused by weather conditions. Wet weather may accumulate outdoors, and people walking across puddles can carry it indoors. This creates a common indoor and outdoor slip and fall hazard.

In addition to tripping hazards, slip and fall accidents can be caused by poorly maintained sidewalks and doors. Potholes, loose boards, and freestanding rugs can all increase the likelihood of a slip and fall. Unfastened cords and wires can also cause an accident. Furthermore, falling can be caused by poor lighting or slippery floors. Slip and fall accidents are entirely preventable, primarily if proper maintenance of sidewalks, streets, and walkways is provided.

Freezing weather increases the risk of slip and fall accidents. A study published in 2014 found that nearly forty percent of workplace accidents occur due to snow, ice, or sleet. While the number of workers injured by slip and fall incidents is small, it is still too high and too common to ignore.

Weather is another cause of slip and fall accidents. Inclement weather can create unsafe conditions on a property. For example, icy sidewalks or streets can cause a person to slip and fall. Property owners, businesses, and municipalities are legally responsible for clearing walkways and steps of snow and ice to ensure that they do not endanger people on the property. If they fail to do so, they may be held liable for the injuries caused by a person slipping and falling on their property.

When it comes to outdoor slip and fall accidents it, is often due to unsafe conditions outside the property owner’s control. When snow or ice accumulates on outdoor surfaces, it can create dangerous slipping hazards. Unnatural accumulations may be the property owner’s responsibility, as they are the only ones liable for injuries caused by these conditions. If you fall and break a bone, you may have a personal injury claim.

Improper Training

One of the leading causes of workplace slip and fall accidents is improper training. To prevent accidents, employees in high-risk industries must receive proper training. Additionally, employers must provide appropriate training materials and conditions. If a worker slips and falls due to improper training, the employer may be liable for the resulting damages.

In 2014, nearly 800 workers died from workplace falls. The construction industry has the highest number of fatal workplace falls. Health services, retail, and wholesale industries account for most non-fatal accidents.

Lack of safety training is another leading cause of slip and fall accidents. Inadequate safety training may lead to an employee or visitor falling and injuring themselves. Besides inadequate training, certain occupations are more prone to slip and fall accidents.

Examples of these occupations are:

  • Factory workers
  • Construction workers
  • Housekeepers
  • Chefs

If you are an owner or manager of a business, you must provide proper safety training.

Nursing Home Neglect

Negligence in nursing homes can cause many slip and fall accidents in nursing homes. This can range from poor management of medications to lack of attention. A resident’s bed may not be sturdy enough, or the patient may have trouble sitting up. Other causes of falls may be isolation or lack of medical attention. In addition, understanding or incompetent nursing staff can result in slip and fall accidents.

There are several ways a nursing home can prevent slip and fall accidents. First, staff must provide quality care to each resident. They should be available and helpful when needed. If they don’t, they may leave a resident in bed for an extended time or neglect to help the resident. Additionally, staff should encourage physical activity, which keeps the resident fit and reduces the risk of a fall.

Another common cause of slip and fall accidents is ill-fitting shoes and clothing. Staff members should be sure to dress nursing home residents appropriately. According to a recent study in British Columbia, 87% of all slip and fall accidents result in broken bones or hips. However, the most severe falls result in a brain or spinal cord injury. The severity of the injury depends on the severity of the fall, and in severe cases, it can result in permanent paralysis or death.

If the nursing home neglects residents, you may be able to sue them for compensation. You can collect damages for medical bills, pain and suffering, and funeral costs. Additionally, you can receive damages for loss of companionship and consortium. These damages are worth fighting for and may even include the relocation of your loved one. Your case will make a nursing homeowner liable for the damages that result from the accident.


Almost twenty percent of all slip and fall accidents can be attributed to improper footwear. While high heels are not the most common cause of accidents, flats, sneakers, and work boots can be dangerous. It’s essential to choose appropriate footwear for your work or play conditions. If you’re walking on slippery floors, make sure you’re wearing proper footwear with traction.

In addition to bad design, poor fit and poor traction can contribute to accidents. For example, poorly designed toning shoes can lead to ankle and leg injuries. Another common cause of slip and fall accidents is worn-out shoes.

Often, people who slip and fall wear improper footwear. In cases where shoes are the primary cause of accidents, a manufacturer of the shoes may be held liable. However, some property owners may argue that the victim made an unreasonable choice.

Contact a Slip and Fall Attorney

Whether your slip and fall are related to poor footwear, the most important thing to do is to protect yourself. The dangers of falling can be aggravated by wet or uneven floors or by unsalted ice. In addition to slippery floors, they can be caused by loose cords, unfastened wires, or torn carpeting. Besides, aging is an age-related problem that can cause slip and fall accidents. Lastly, if your shoes aren’t properly fitted for the occasion, your slip and fall will be even more likely. If you or a loved one were injured in a slip and fall accident, contact our slip and fall attorneys to discuss your legal options.

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