How to Avoid Head-On Collisions on Interstate 10 in Houston

Head-on collisions are the most dangerous type of car accident, causing severe injuries to drivers and extensive damage to cars. While there are various reasons for a head-on collision, one common cause is negligence by another driver. This can include failure to follow traffic rules, distracted driving, and unsafe lane changes. Drive Slowly Head-on collisions […]
What to Do After a Rollover Accident on US Highway 59 in Laredo

If you or a loved one has been involved in a rollover accident on US Highway 59 in Laredo, there are several things you should do. These can help you get the compensation you deserve for any injuries or monetary losses you sustained in the crash. First, always wear your seat belt. This will help […]
Texas Golf Cart Accident Attorney
Golf carts are a common sight in communities across Texas, from the bustling streets of Houston to the serene pathways of Pasadena. While they offer a convenient mode of transportation, especially within golf courses and residential areas, they can also be involved in accidents that lead to serious injuries. At Joe I. Zaid & Associates, we […]
How Do I Prove a Driver Was Distracted After an Accident?
Distracted drivers are one of the most typical reasons for car accidents across the country. Stats from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration state that 3,166 individuals passed away in 2017 alone from distracted drivers. Furthermore, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately nine people are killed and more than 1,000 […]